
About us

  The teaching and research of Marxist theory in our school has a long history and profound connotations.In 1950, when Shandong Normal University was founded, the Marxist-Leninism Teaching and Research Section was set up to teach public political theory courses throughout the university.In February 1960, the Department of Political Science was established to undertake the teaching of public political theory courses and the training of political education professionals.After many times of discipline adjustment, in March 2011, the former School of Political Science and Law's Marxist Theory Discipline, Ideological and Political Education Undergraduate Program and Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Research Department merged to establish the School of Marxism.In July 2019, the school was successfully selected into the third batch of National KeySchool of Marxism.At the same time,At the same time, the school was selected as one of the first batch of Comprehensive Reform Pilot Colleges and Departments of the Ministry of Education,The first batch of Youth Marxist Training Project National Research and Training Base of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the first batch of Shandong Key Marxist School, Shandong Party Building Benchmarking School and the Cultivation and Establishment Unit, won the title of Shandong Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization, Shandong Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization in the Education System, Shandong May Fourth Red Fred League Committee and so on.

  At present, there are 120 teachers in the school faculty, including 31 professors, 39 associate professors, 21 doctoral supervisor, 56 mtcsol master tutors.Among them, the National Ten Thousand Program Leading Talents in Philosophy and Social Sciences, Central Marxist Theoretical Research and Construction Project Experts, National Four One Group Talents (theoretical field) and other national titles have been awarded 7times. National Model Teacher, National College Ideological and Political Course Teacher of the Year Nomination Person, National University Instructor of the Year Nomination and other honorary was awarded 4 times.Meanwhile, the school has been awarded the "Hundred Talents Project of Shandong Province" for 10 times, and has been awarded the "Ninth Outstanding Teacher of Shandong Province", "Top Ten Excellent Teachers of Shandong Universities", "Top Ten Model Teachers of Shandong Universities", "Top Ten Counselors of Shandong Universities", "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Shandong Province" and "Advanced Individual in Party History Work of Shandong Province" (third-class merit recorded by the provincial government) for 15 times.

  School of Marxism has a complete talent training and teaching system for undergraduates, masters, doctors and postdocs, and undertakes the task of teaching ideological and political theory courses for undergraduates and postgraduates, discipline construction of Marxist theory and professional talent training.There are 7 teaching and research departments which includes Department of Ideological and Political Education, Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism, Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, An overview of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Outline of Chinese Modern and Contemporary History, Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basic Law Education,Situation and Policy ,Postgraduate Ideological and Political Theory Course.Our School also has postdoctoral research station of Marxist theory, first-level discipline of doctoral degree of Marxist theory, first-level discipline of master's degree and Marxist philosophy, history of the Communist Party of China, as well as professional degree authorization centers of course and teaching theory, master's degree of education.Our school is one of the first 12 universities in China to set up the undergraduate major of ideological and political education in 1984. At present, this major is a national first-class major, a National Characteristic Major, a Shandong Brand Major, andThe key Construction Major of Shandong Famous University Project. Marxist theoretical discipline is the first batch of first-class disciplines and peak disciplines in Shandong Province. it was rated as B + in the fourth round of national discipline evaluation in 2017, and won the five-star discipline of the China University discipline Evaluation report of the Ai Ruishen China Alumni Association Network.

  The contemporary Chinese Marxism Research Base is the key research base of the theoretical construction project in Shandong Province, together with the Shandong Provincial Education Department (Shandong Provincial Party Committee Education work Committee) to build the Contemporary Chinese Marxism Research Institute of Shandong Colleges and Universities. The research base has the Research Center of Xi Jinping Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era under the Ministry of Education, the Research Base of Ideological and Political Education in Shandong Province, and the Research Center of Marxist Theory in the Research Base of Shandong Normal University, which are the key construction bases for the 12th Five-Year Plan of Shandong Province.At the same time, this research base has Shandong Normal University Teaching and Research Center of Ideological and Political Theory Course,Shandong Normal University Philosophy and Social Development Research Center and many other research institutions, and two Shandong universities ideological and political theory teaching master studios.Since its establishment in 2011, our school teachers have presided over 26 National Social Science Fund Projects (including 1 major project, 3 major special projects and commissioned projects, and 6 key projects), 2 National Four batch Talent research projects, 14 Humanities and Social Science Research projects of the Ministry of Education, and 61 Social Science Planning projects of Shandong Province.Published more than 70 academic works in the people's Publishing House; published more than 200 academic papers in CSSCI source journals such as "Qiushi", "Marxist Research", "Philosophical Research" and "Contemporary World and Socialism"; 2 achievements were selected into the National philosophy and Social Science Achievement Library; won 1 social science major achievement award, 5 first prizes, 9 second prizes and 10 third prizes in Shandong Province. The research team of Marxism in China has repeatedly published important theoretical articles in "Qiushi", "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", "Economic Daily" and other newspapers and periodicals, arouse great repercussions in society and academic circles.